We’ve Got the Answers You’re Looking For
What cities does BOS LIMO serve?
BOS LIMO, has company branches in major market locations throughout the United States including Boston, Manchester NH, New York City, Newark NJ, Philadelphia, Baltimore & Washington, Palm Beach, Miami, Chicago, San Francisco, Los Angeles, and San Diego and a global network of quality chauffeured transportation partners, servicing thousands of cities in 550 metropolitan areas in 50 countries.
What is meant by waiting time?
Waiting time is defined as the length of time that elapses between a scheduled pickup and a passenger getting into the reserved vehicle. All flat-rate trips have a five-minute grace period, after which a charge of $8 is applied for every five minutes a chauffeur is waiting.
What are flat rates?
BOS LIMO offers flat rates — service to and from thousands of selected destinations available at a set price rather than billed at hourly rates. The routes covered by flat rates include those most frequently taken by travelers, such as to and from most major cities and airports. These rates are referred to as fixed or point-to-point rates.
How are tolls handled?
We charge for any toll costs incurred between the pickup and drop-off destinations, as well as for tolls during the chauffeur’s return trip.
What is an operating costs surcharge?
A surcharge, consisting of a fixed percentage of the non-discounted base fare, shall be added to reimburse BOS LIMO for our operating costs, other than tolls, parking, and airport fees which are separately charged.
BOS LIMO reserves the right to modify its operating costs surcharge structure based on any increases in fuel and insurance costs, regulatory assessments, and other operating expenses.